Now that you know your team has the skills and know-how to interact with your customers, what organizational strategies will you apply to satisfy your customers? Take the following proactive measures to keep your customers happy before they even tell you about their problems:
Personalize exchanges. Your customers prefer to deal with real people rather than “bots” or FAQs. Don’t just respond to them via automated email, and make sure your voice server or website doesn’t make them feel uncomfortable. Make the most of social media (like Facebook, Twitter, and Yelp) and respond to customers who post to your page. Post photos and write biographies on your website. You show your customers that they interact with humans behind the screens.
Be Available
A good way to show involvement is to make yourself available to your customers and let them know. For example, if your business exists primarily online, arrange occasional meetings with local customers and video calls (via Skype, for example) for those further afield. Adapt your schedule to the time zone of your customers if they are abroad. Providing your mailing address reassures customers and reminds them that your business also exists outside the internet.
Take Care Of Your Customers
Check that you are meeting all of your customer’s customers needs. Consider assigning agents to certain customers so they can bond. Give VIP treatment to your best customers to enhance them. What special services might your customers appreciate? Set up focus groups, interview customers, or survey to get ideas.
Create Communities
Your customers will feel even more appreciated if you treat them as valued members of a community. You have several options for bringing your customers together, including webinars, interactive websites, social media, trade shows, and conventions. And always remember that while it’sit’s true that your customers come to you to learn more about you, it’s also a great opportunity to learn more about them.
Make Sure Your Agents Are Involved
Your customer service agents may be the most qualified and well-trained, but it will only help if they have the head for their actions. Boosting employee engagement is another way to ensure the best possible customer experience. In general, a disgruntled employee will not come to tell you. Consider setting up a suggestion box whose contributions are anonymous or conducting a survey that will allow you to assess your employees’ commitment.
Building an engaged support team is one of the 6 keys to improving customer service. Sometimes that involves huddling up and saying motivating words before putting in a payday’s worth of work.
You need to know what your employees think about working conditions, salaries, career advancement, training, and their colleagues. Our employee engagement survey template addresses these key topics. also compiled engagement benchmark data so you can compare your employee engagement to that of employees at other companies.
Since engagement can vary from industry to industry, you may also be interested in the more specific data and know that We Are More Than Sales Process Consultants.
- Allow Your Customers To Express Their Opinion
No matter what proactive measures you put in place, you will only be able to anticipate some of your customers’ problems. To be informed of all your customers’ experiences, good or bad, offer them an easy way to hear their comments.
Whether through a telephone survey at the end of a customer service call, an email survey sent directly from your CRM software, or a form on the “Contact Us” page of your website, offering your customers the opportunity to give their opinion will allow you to identify areas for improvement. This will also prevent unsatisfied customers from expressing dissatisfaction in particularly exposed places, such as social networks.
Whichever method you use, remember the importance of feedback in customer satisfaction. Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Do you need to understand why your results are getting worse? Make an effort to get closer to both your customers and your employees.
You’ll discover the touch points and skills to improve, while your customers will see that you are committed to providing quality, proactive customer service.